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Global Growth Series:
Repurposing Content for Global Impact and Revenue Expansion

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This engaging webinar led by a global panel of market experts from leading U.S. medical associations will provide an in-depth exploration of strategies to monetize content without compromising the core value of annual association events. It emphasizes how integrating content repurposing into business models enhances value, broadens audience reach, and fosters industry evolution. 

The discussion will explore how content creation and delivery can work in harmony to generate meaningful industry dialogue and extend reach, while contributing positively to societal well-being. 

Additionally, the webinar will focus on how tailoring technology and service processes to meet the diverse needs of global stakeholders can support a sustainable and adaptable business model. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Gain insights into monetizing existing content while maintaining relationships and preserving the integrity of association annual meetings. 
  • Develop a strategic approach to efficiently distribute content that was once protected and exclusive, enhancing visibility and establishing your organization as a leader in content repurposing. 
  • Learn how combining content with strategic partnerships can foster global dissemination, creating both business growth and greater societal impact. 

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  • Nikki Walker, Global Vice President, Associations & Communities, MCI


  • Dan Reyes, American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) 

  • Isabelle Lorant, American College of Cardiology (ACC) 

  • Lori Agbonkhese, American Urological Association (AUA) 

  • Samir Kalia, Managing Director, MCI India